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Why do I feel that heavy dullness?

Because of that last cigarette

The one I didn't want to smoke

But finished


My mind slips through those floorboards

Floats out of this room, through the ceiling.


I can enter the air

I can escape in this moment, 

Knowing I will return.

Knowing I will fall back to earth,

Landing where I left.


And then it comes back.

The cycle lifts off,

The air takes me again

Lifts me into the night sky

And I can rest here for a while


The sky holds me

In a cold blue womb

A collage of light

The bird's nest, 

crawling back into an eggshell.


Water pipe umbilical cord

Feeds me all I need

This is where I belong

Inside the blue nest of clouds.


I can finally sleep

For the first time in my life

I am free

Free from the womb


I have built my own nest

This is where I will live

Inside this fold of sky I have found.

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